- rozwinO LGD
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- rozwinPrzygotowanie LSR 2023-2027
- rozwinRLKS 2016-2023
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- Księga wizualizacji PROW 2014-2020 i księga wizualizacji PO RYBY 2014-2020
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- Wnioski PO Ryby na lata 2014-2020
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- rozwinWdrażanie LSR 2023-2027
2016-2023 Strategy of Community-Led Local Development
Zegrzyński Lake Local Action Group
When carrying out operations consisting in the implementation of the Local Development Strategy, under the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme Axis 4 Leader, over PLN 10 million was transferred to the beneficiaries through LAG. The support enabled 166 projects to be completed in this area. During the programming period of 2007-2013, based on the Fisheries Operational Programme, Zegrzyński Lake Local Action Group (formerly Fishery Action Group) provided grants of over PLN 13 million for the implementation of 82 applications in order to perform the Local Strategy for Development of Fishing Areas.
Thanks to the cooperation of curious and active citizens of the LAG area, another programme under the name of "2016-2023 Strategy of Community-Led Local Development” (LDS) was created. In order to implement this strategy Zegrzyński Lake LAG has received funds of PLN 18 million – PLN 11 million as part of RDP and PLN 7 million as part of Operational Programme Fisheries and the Sea (OPFS). These funds are going to be gradually transferred to beneficiaries through announced competitions.
All projects carried out by the beneficiaries have to comply with the goals and project of the LDS. It will be possible to achieve them through the following types of operations:
• individual operations of beneficiaries other than LAGs selected by means of a tender by the LAG’s decision-making authority and forwarded to verification by the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship,
• grant projects,
• LAG’s own operations,
• international and domestic cooperation projects.
The LDS defines the objectives, tasks and projects undertaken by representatives of the public, social and business sectors, in particular by entrepreneurs, farmers, representatives of the Fisheries sector, residents, and communes, counties, non-governmental organizations, which could be co-financed by the RDP (Rural Development Programme) and Operational Programme Fisheries and the Sea (OPFS).
1. Economic development of Zegrzyński Lake LAG.
1.1 Development of job offers in the LAG area;
1.2 Raising professional competences;
1.3 Integrated promotion of the business and investment offer;
1.4 Development of local area products, including tourist products and integrated promotion thereof.
2. Sustainable development of the fisheries sector.
2.1 Adding value to fishery products through the creation or development of the product supply chain;
2.2 Diversification of fisheries activities;
2.3 Promotion of the fisheries sector in the local community.
3. Social Development of Zegrzyński Lake LAG.
3.1 Initiating cooperation of inhabitant groups, organizations, institutions and companies;
3.2 Social activation and integration of local inhabitants, e.g. launching innovative social activities;
3.3 Promoting local culture and cultural heritage conservation;
3.4 Development of lifelong learning in the broadest sense;
3.5 Prevention of social exclusion and making use of the potential of disadvantaged groups.
4. Preservation of the environmental values of the LAG and combating climate change with the aid of organizational and technological innovations.
4.1 Environmental education, including climate change education;
4.2 Cooperation for rational management of the area environment;
4.3 Using innovative solutions and technologies with regard to low-carbon economy;
4.4 Supporting and exploiting advantages of the environment in fisheries areas, e.g. operations aimed at mitigating climate change.
These objectives will be achieved through particular projects:
1.1.1 Jobs at the Lake. The beneficiaries may include natural and legal persons submitting applications selected through competitions announced to undertake and develop business activities and competitions to promote cooperation among businesses.
1.2.1 Knowledge-based economy.
The beneficiaries may include:
- natural and legal persons participating in competitions announced to undertake and develop business activities,
- Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Public Finance Sector Units (PFSUs) - grant projects supporting entrepreneurship and employment education and counselling.
1.3.1 Good promotion will leverage development.
The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs based on grant projects aimed at promoting the area.
1.4.1 Lake Brand.
The beneficiaries may include:
- natural or legal persons wishing to perform operations selected through competitions announced to undertake and develop activities involving local and tourism products,
- NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects supporting the development of tourist products, promotion of the area.
1.4.2 Infrastructure for tourism.
The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs based on OPFS, projects must be aimed at developing non-commercial tourist and recreational infrastructure.
1.4.3 Taste incubators
The beneficiaries may include entities carrying out and undertaking business activities, wishing to gain support on the basis of competitions for the creation of incubators of local processing of agricultural products.
2.1.1 Closer to the customer. The beneficiaries may include entities of the fisheries sector through OPFS competitions.
2.2.1 Not only fish. The beneficiaries may include entities from the fisheries sector and entities not operating in this sector selected through competitions on the basis of OPFS, the projects must be aimed at exploiting the potential of the water area.
2.3.1 The lake means fishing. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - OPFS grant projects aimed at promoting, preserving, popularizing the cultural heritage and the importance of fishing to the economy and ecology of the LAG area.
3.1.1 Unity means strength and .... wisdom. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs – grant projects to support grassroots cooperation projects within sectors or between them.
3.2.1 More than just a “bedroom”. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects to support a wide range of activities aimed at activating and integrating the local community.
3.3.1 Culture defines a human, history defines a nation. The beneficiaries may include NGOs, PFSUS and churches in competitions as well as NGOs and PFSUS based on grant projects for activated aimed at preservation of intangible and tangible local heritage, e.g. renovation of historical religious buildings, organization of supralocal events, development of memorial rooms, etc.
3.4.1 Key to power. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs – grant projects for educational activities aimed at the LAG area community (trainings, competitions, workshops, events, etc.).
3.5.1 Any unused potential.
The beneficiaries may include:
- natural and legal persons submitting applications selected through competitions announced to undertake and develop business activities through the creation and development of social economy enterprises,
- NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects promoting disadvantaged groups in the labour market.
3.5.2 Empathy lake. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects focused on support and social integration of disadvantaged groups.
4.1.1 Cogito ergo sum. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects focused on educational activities relating to the protection of the environment, wildlife, climate and landscape.
4.2.1 Only one Lake. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects aimed at the promotion of sustainable development of the Lake.
4.3.1 Only one Earth. The beneficiaries may include individuals and legal entities wishing to carry out projects in the form of competitions announced to undertake and develop business with the use of innovative solutions and technologies for low-carbon economy.
4.4.1 Water means life. The beneficiaries may include entities from the fisheries sector, NGOs and PFSUs on the basis of OPFS competitions.
When carrying out operations consisting in the implementation of the Local Development Strategy, under the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme Axis 4 Leader, over PLN 10 million was transferred to the beneficiaries through LAG. The support enabled 166 projects to be completed in this area. During the programming period of 2007-2013, based on the Fisheries Operational Programme, Zegrzyński Lake Local Action Group (formerly Fishery Action Group) provided grants of over PLN 13 million for the implementation of 82 applications in order to perform the Local Strategy for Development of Fishing Areas.
Thanks to the cooperation of curious and active citizens of the LAG area, another programme under the name of "2016-2023 Strategy of Community-Led Local Development” (LDS) was created. In order to implement this strategy Zegrzyński Lake LAG has received funds of PLN 18 million – PLN 11 million as part of RDP and PLN 7 million as part of Operational Programme Fisheries and the Sea (OPFS). These funds are going to be gradually transferred to beneficiaries through announced competitions.
All projects carried out by the beneficiaries have to comply with the goals and project of the LDS. It will be possible to achieve them through the following types of operations:
• individual operations of beneficiaries other than LAGs selected by means of a tender by the LAG’s decision-making authority and forwarded to verification by the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship,
• grant projects,
• LAG’s own operations,
• international and domestic cooperation projects.
The LDS defines the objectives, tasks and projects undertaken by representatives of the public, social and business sectors, in particular by entrepreneurs, farmers, representatives of the Fisheries sector, residents, and communes, counties, non-governmental organizations, which could be co-financed by the RDP (Rural Development Programme) and Operational Programme Fisheries and the Sea (OPFS).
1. Economic development of Zegrzyński Lake LAG.
1.1 Development of job offers in the LAG area;
1.2 Raising professional competences;
1.3 Integrated promotion of the business and investment offer;
1.4 Development of local area products, including tourist products and integrated promotion thereof.
2. Sustainable development of the fisheries sector.
2.1 Adding value to fishery products through the creation or development of the product supply chain;
2.2 Diversification of fisheries activities;
2.3 Promotion of the fisheries sector in the local community.
3. Social Development of Zegrzyński Lake LAG.
3.1 Initiating cooperation of inhabitant groups, organizations, institutions and companies;
3.2 Social activation and integration of local inhabitants, e.g. launching innovative social activities;
3.3 Promoting local culture and cultural heritage conservation;
3.4 Development of lifelong learning in the broadest sense;
3.5 Prevention of social exclusion and making use of the potential of disadvantaged groups.
4. Preservation of the environmental values of the LAG and combating climate change with the aid of organizational and technological innovations.
4.1 Environmental education, including climate change education;
4.2 Cooperation for rational management of the area environment;
4.3 Using innovative solutions and technologies with regard to low-carbon economy;
4.4 Supporting and exploiting advantages of the environment in fisheries areas, e.g. operations aimed at mitigating climate change.
These objectives will be achieved through particular projects:
1.1.1 Jobs at the Lake. The beneficiaries may include natural and legal persons submitting applications selected through competitions announced to undertake and develop business activities and competitions to promote cooperation among businesses.
1.2.1 Knowledge-based economy.
The beneficiaries may include:
- natural and legal persons participating in competitions announced to undertake and develop business activities,
- Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Public Finance Sector Units (PFSUs) - grant projects supporting entrepreneurship and employment education and counselling.
1.3.1 Good promotion will leverage development.
The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs based on grant projects aimed at promoting the area.
1.4.1 Lake Brand.
The beneficiaries may include:
- natural or legal persons wishing to perform operations selected through competitions announced to undertake and develop activities involving local and tourism products,
- NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects supporting the development of tourist products, promotion of the area.
1.4.2 Infrastructure for tourism.
The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs based on OPFS, projects must be aimed at developing non-commercial tourist and recreational infrastructure.
1.4.3 Taste incubators
The beneficiaries may include entities carrying out and undertaking business activities, wishing to gain support on the basis of competitions for the creation of incubators of local processing of agricultural products.
2.1.1 Closer to the customer. The beneficiaries may include entities of the fisheries sector through OPFS competitions.
2.2.1 Not only fish. The beneficiaries may include entities from the fisheries sector and entities not operating in this sector selected through competitions on the basis of OPFS, the projects must be aimed at exploiting the potential of the water area.
2.3.1 The lake means fishing. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - OPFS grant projects aimed at promoting, preserving, popularizing the cultural heritage and the importance of fishing to the economy and ecology of the LAG area.
3.1.1 Unity means strength and .... wisdom. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs – grant projects to support grassroots cooperation projects within sectors or between them.
3.2.1 More than just a “bedroom”. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects to support a wide range of activities aimed at activating and integrating the local community.
3.3.1 Culture defines a human, history defines a nation. The beneficiaries may include NGOs, PFSUS and churches in competitions as well as NGOs and PFSUS based on grant projects for activated aimed at preservation of intangible and tangible local heritage, e.g. renovation of historical religious buildings, organization of supralocal events, development of memorial rooms, etc.
3.4.1 Key to power. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs – grant projects for educational activities aimed at the LAG area community (trainings, competitions, workshops, events, etc.).
3.5.1 Any unused potential.
The beneficiaries may include:
- natural and legal persons submitting applications selected through competitions announced to undertake and develop business activities through the creation and development of social economy enterprises,
- NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects promoting disadvantaged groups in the labour market.
3.5.2 Empathy lake. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects focused on support and social integration of disadvantaged groups.
4.1.1 Cogito ergo sum. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects focused on educational activities relating to the protection of the environment, wildlife, climate and landscape.
4.2.1 Only one Lake. The beneficiaries may include NGOs and PFSUs - grant projects aimed at the promotion of sustainable development of the Lake.
4.3.1 Only one Earth. The beneficiaries may include individuals and legal entities wishing to carry out projects in the form of competitions announced to undertake and develop business with the use of innovative solutions and technologies for low-carbon economy.
4.4.1 Water means life. The beneficiaries may include entities from the fisheries sector, NGOs and PFSUs on the basis of OPFS competitions.
"Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne i Inwestycyjne, Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie".
Strona internetowa Lokalnej Grupy Działania Zalew Zegrzyński współfinansowana jest ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach poddziałania
"Wsparcie na rzecz kosztów bieżących i aktywizacji" w ramach działania "Wsparcie dla rozwoju lokalnego w ramach inicjatywy LEADER"
objętego Programem Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2014-2020. Instytucja Zarządzająca Programem Rozwoju
Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2014-2020: Minister Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi. Instytucja Zarządzająca Programem Operacyjnym "Rybactwo i Morze" -
Minister Gospodarki Morskiej i Żeglugi Śródlądowej. Strona internetowa opracowana przez Lokalną Grupę Działania Zalew Zegrzyński.