- rozwinO LGD
- rozwinCzłonkostwo
- rozwinPrzygotowanie LSR 2023-2027
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- Harmonogram konkursów
- Umowa Ramowa
- Plan Komunikacji i Plan Szkoleń
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- Przedsięwzięcia
- Księga wizualizacji PROW 2014-2020 i księga wizualizacji PO RYBY 2014-2020
- Wnioski PROW na lata 2014 - 2020
- Wnioski PO Ryby na lata 2014-2020
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- rozwinWdrażanie LSR 2023-2027
Area and Population
The Zegrzyński Lake LAG area is located in the central part of Poland in its capital region of Mazovia (Mazowsze/Mazowieckie).

It has a compact shape resembling a rhomb with its longer axis close to East-West direction and the shorter one to North-South one. It covers communes of Jablonna, Nieporęt, Serock and Wieliszew in the Legionowski county (powiat), communes of Dabrowka and Radzymin in the Wolominski county and commune of Somianka in the Wyszkowski county. The surface of the area amounts to 733 km2 . It borders in the South the city of Warsaw and surrounds the Zegrzynski Lake. The lake, together with the Narew and Bug rivers and their its tributaries, constitute the fishing area no. 7 of the Mazovian District of the Polish Angling Association (PZW - Polski Zwiazek Wedkarski). Only the commune of Jablonna has no direct access to this area, but has strong functional ties with the rest of the LAG area.
The area’s landscape is a lowland one. Still, it is quite diversified due to the presence of river valleys and remnants of moraine and kame hills. North-western part of the LAG area belongs to the Ciechanow Upland, north-eastern and eastern one – to the Valley of Lower Bug and the Wolomin Plain and the southern and western parts to the Warsaw Basin. All these meso-regions belong to the sub-province of the Central Poland Lowland.
The LAG area is accessible with a number of major roads such as the international one E 67: Prague – Warsaw - Kaunas and the national roads: no. 61: Warsaw – Augustow and no. 62: Strzelno – Wloclawek – Plock - Wyszkow. The Warsaw-Gdansk railroad cuts through the area’s southern part, while the central-eastern one can be reached with the local Legionowo-Tluszcz rail line.
The „Zefir” tourist boat connects the Zegrzynski Lake (Serock being the final destination) with Warsaw through the Zeranski Canal in summer season.
Number of registered inhabitants of the Zegrzynski Lake LAG area, as of 31 December 2013, is 94,729. They live in 151 villages, 1 settlement (Zegrze) and 2 towns: Radzymin and Serock.

It has a compact shape resembling a rhomb with its longer axis close to East-West direction and the shorter one to North-South one. It covers communes of Jablonna, Nieporęt, Serock and Wieliszew in the Legionowski county (powiat), communes of Dabrowka and Radzymin in the Wolominski county and commune of Somianka in the Wyszkowski county. The surface of the area amounts to 733 km2 . It borders in the South the city of Warsaw and surrounds the Zegrzynski Lake. The lake, together with the Narew and Bug rivers and their its tributaries, constitute the fishing area no. 7 of the Mazovian District of the Polish Angling Association (PZW - Polski Zwiazek Wedkarski). Only the commune of Jablonna has no direct access to this area, but has strong functional ties with the rest of the LAG area.
The area’s landscape is a lowland one. Still, it is quite diversified due to the presence of river valleys and remnants of moraine and kame hills. North-western part of the LAG area belongs to the Ciechanow Upland, north-eastern and eastern one – to the Valley of Lower Bug and the Wolomin Plain and the southern and western parts to the Warsaw Basin. All these meso-regions belong to the sub-province of the Central Poland Lowland.
The LAG area is accessible with a number of major roads such as the international one E 67: Prague – Warsaw - Kaunas and the national roads: no. 61: Warsaw – Augustow and no. 62: Strzelno – Wloclawek – Plock - Wyszkow. The Warsaw-Gdansk railroad cuts through the area’s southern part, while the central-eastern one can be reached with the local Legionowo-Tluszcz rail line.
The „Zefir” tourist boat connects the Zegrzynski Lake (Serock being the final destination) with Warsaw through the Zeranski Canal in summer season.
Number of registered inhabitants of the Zegrzynski Lake LAG area, as of 31 December 2013, is 94,729. They live in 151 villages, 1 settlement (Zegrze) and 2 towns: Radzymin and Serock.
"Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne i Inwestycyjne, Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie".
Strona internetowa Lokalnej Grupy Działania Zalew Zegrzyński współfinansowana jest ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach poddziałania
"Wsparcie na rzecz kosztów bieżących i aktywizacji" w ramach działania "Wsparcie dla rozwoju lokalnego w ramach inicjatywy LEADER"
objętego Programem Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2014-2020. Instytucja Zarządzająca Programem Rozwoju
Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2014-2020: Minister Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi. Instytucja Zarządzająca Programem Operacyjnym "Rybactwo i Morze" -
Minister Gospodarki Morskiej i Żeglugi Śródlądowej. Strona internetowa opracowana przez Lokalną Grupę Działania Zalew Zegrzyński.